These National Parks Are More Deadly Than You Think

Observation Platform Winter Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Recent headlines read – “Man dies in Grand Canyon National Park while attempting grueling hike.” Halfway through an 18-mile hike amid temperatures of 100F, Ranjith Varma, 55, of Manassas, Virginia, was unresponsive. Which makes you wonder, what are the most dangerous National Parks?

We’ll answer that question with a data-driven analysis of the ten most hazardous National Parks in the United States, along with some practical insights and astute observations.

The Only 25 Tips You Need for Traveling as a Couple

Young couple can't find way in town. Traveling as a couple, frustrated woman screaming on her boyfriend

Everybody talks about the romance of traveling as a couple. The reality is, sometimes you’re lucky to escape with your life and/or relationship intact! We fell in love… deeply in love… We both knew we had found our person on a backpacking trip to the Grand Canyon between Jenn’s total knee replacement surgeries.

We figure, if we made it through that and not only got married but started a travel blog together, we might know a thing or two about traveling as a couple. When we wrote out our best tricks and tips for couples’ travel, it was quite a list! Stay tuned to learn easy things you can do to make the most of your adventures together.

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