7 ‘Must Know’ Tips for Kayaking Okatoma Creek

Okatoma Creek Canoe Tip 1: Start early (~8:00 – 9:00)

If you’re going on an Okatoma Creek canoe trip, do yourself a favor and start early. First off, no matter which outfitter you go with, you’re going to have to take a bus to the Seminary put-in. That means there’s a potential logistic log-jam getting signed in, waiting for the bus, and heading to the put-in. Secondly, you’ll get the river basically to yourself.

Okatoma Kayaking Tip #2 – BYO- Bungee Cord.

Okatoma Creek kayaking is a BYOB experience. Bring your own bungee cord, that is . You see, the outfitters use Jackson kayaks, which come equipped with a built-in luggage area. The catch is that the majority of the boats have long since lost their elastic straps.

Okatoma Creek Paddling Tip #3 – Should You Choose a Kayak or Canoe

Kayaks work better than canoes in low water. You need about 5″ of water to operate a kayak and 6-8″ for a canoe. That might not seem like a lot, but it means that the minimum water level is 16%-40% less for a kayak.

Okatoma River Trip Tip #4 – How to Read a River

You should expect little or no instructions before getting on the river. If you happen to get some, great, but here are the minimal instructions on how to run a river. First off, load the online map in this section onto your phone before you leave town and keep your phone in a secure place, like a waterproof pouch....

Kayaking the Okatoma Tip#5 – Bring a Bailing Cup

The Okatoma is a fun river. There are enough rapids that you’re going to end up with a little water in your boat, even if you don’t flip. The question is, what are you going to do about it? The rental Jackson kayaks aren’t self-bailing, so you’re going to be sitting in a pool of water (and riding low) unless you can clear it out

Kayaking Tip #6 – Continually Inspect Your Boat for Water

When you’re first selecting your boat, take a moment and make sure it has drain plugs and isn’t waterlogged. You should be able to lift one end and make sure that it doesn’t feel heavy. If you can’t tell, try a couple of boats and pick the lightest.

Okatoma Paddling Trip Tip #7 – Pack Your Essentials

What are boating essentials? It depends on context, but for sure, you need your life vest. You’ll also want at least a quart of water and sunscreen. A few other items are nice to have, including a hat, snack, bug spray, waterproof phone case, sunglasses (and croakies).

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